Thursday, January 9, 2014


I figured it out! All these years.. I tried so hard to be organized. I have software, I have methods, I have to do list, etc. But I was missing a huge key ingredient. NECESSITY!

Yes, Necessity! If you don't absolutely have to get organized, and you are a messy person like me.. you will probably always fall off the wagon. Until.. you HAVE to, or you will not survive!

What does that mean for me? Well.. After 40+ years of being an entrepeneur, or working at jobs where my time was flexible as long as I got the job done, I learnt my big lesson this year. I have 2 corporations I run, plus a Charitable organization, plus 2 kids, and a life (sometimes lol). Well even with all this.. I was disorganized. But in November.. out of the need for many things, such as excitement, motivation, human company, learning curve booster, and some steady cash.. I took a full time job!! Yes! So now, I took out 40+ hours a week out of my time to do all my own things, and suddenly.. I am more organized!

I have to be, or I can't do it all!! Not to mention much more productive! Time is suddenly at a shortage, and things need to be done!

I can't say I'm a totally organized person now. It's only been 2.5 months.. but I can tell you I am more organized than I've ever been in my life, and getting better every day. I am loving being crazy busy.. but also crazy productive!

Try it.. cut your time.. and see what happens when you know you absolutely have no other time to do things than the 1-2 hours a day, and watch how amazingly organized and productive you get! I'ts not the same thing when you work for yourself and are 'busy'. Trust me, it's not. I've been 'busy' for 40+ years.. but always had leisure time. or time to catch up 'later'. But these past 2.5 months.. I dont'! Absolutely no time at all. Barely time to sleep, let alone have an hour of just relax time! And suddenly, I am getting more done in a month than I did in 6 previously! And that is not cutting out any of my corporations/businesses, kids activities or anything else. In fact, I'm adding new business ventures to it, and other activities like 4X a week workouts! WOOT!

Life is GREAT and SO exciting!

Write and let me know your thoughts on this. Maybe I will burn out.. but I have not felt this energized and excited to do things in a very very long time! Share your stories with me!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Great organizing software!

So I've been absent in writing to my blog for a while! I do have a good excuse.. I am taking over another business!

I am getting back into creating a brand of horse products and selling them on eBay, Amazon, online and to stores.

I know.. I didn't have enough to do with a hosting/development business, ecommerce websites, , a charity, 2 kids and all the other stuff

But I think this is a great opportunity for me to get back into the equine industry, which I love and miss.

So now it's even more critical that ever to be organized! So I've started using this new software.. and I love it!!!

It's called Sympleology, and the 101 and organizing tools are free. Every morning, you do your course (i'm done that now, so just doing the rest), then you do your daily praxis, you list what needs to be done, your decide to do it today, schedule it, or delegate it. You can also set shot, medium and long term goals, and work towards them.

Then.. the best part is, the chart shows up on your desktop.. right there for you to refer too.. AND, my favorite.. it has a dreamcatcher chart as well, which I find invaluable.

The Dream Catcher is there on my desktop, so if while doing something on my list, I suddenly remember something else that I need to do, I immediately put it in my dream catcher, and forget about it while continuing whatever I was working on!! Same thing is someone calls me and needs something done.. I put it in the dream catcher and move on with my list!

The result.. I am getting more things done, I'm not forgetting to do things, and my brain is more calm because when something comes to mind, I put it right in the chart.. because it's right there.. I don't have to go to a website, etc.. it's right there on my desktop.

And the next day, the items in my dreamcatcher get added to my to do list.. for me to do, schedule or delegate!!!

How much better can you get!
I love my Simpleology!!
Check it out at

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Key to it all!

Hey, are you one of those people that constantly looses their keys? I used to be.. until I found the solution!

The key (pardon the pun) to not loosing your keys is to have a key holder at the place you go to first when you come into your house, specially when carrying things.

Forget key holders right by the door.. you and I both know that we simply ignore it when we are carrying 5 things in each hand and crashing through the door.

I've found the best place to put the key holder for me is the kitchen. When I come into the house, the first place I dump my handbag, mail, groceries, books, or whatever, is the kitchen. So I have put my key holder there. Now, after I dump whatever is on me in the kitchen, I just put my key on the key holder.

I don't have to walk back to the front door to do this.. it's right there.. and so I don't put it off.

Maybe for you it's the bathroom, mudroom or basement. Where-ever it is... put a key holder there. Trust me!

Incidents of loosing my keys after changing to this method of strategically placed key holder has dropped from 95% of the time to 2% of the time! Now that is progress!

Friday, July 31, 2009

The list factor

So I think I have had a huge breakthrough in efficiency and organization here!

Making lists! But not just any list. What I do is after I'm done work or before I start work for the day, I write down the 4 or 5 major things I need to get done that day.

Then, I go about doing the list, one at a time, until each item is done. I do not check email or answer phone or deal with anything else until an item is done. In between items I may check email/VM, but if there is anything that I need to do because of checking it, let's say an update to another clients site, I add it to a second column list for the day.

Then, after doing my initial list (column 1) if I have time, I start on column 2, otherwise, column two moves to the next day!

This has had the effect of making me focus on one thing at a time... something I have trouble with.. instead of jumping to any task as soon as a client or anyone asks me to, no matter what I was doing.


It's had the effect of making me feel productive, because checking something off the list is highly satisfying.

The key is to only put 4-5 major items on the list. Usually I"m done my list by early afternoon! Then I either continue working on column two, or, I take the rest of the day to do personal stuff, clean the house, whatever. .. and I dont' feel bad for doing it because I feel I accomplished my days major work tasks!!

Voila! The simple list !! I think it never worked for me much before because my lists were pages long.

Now I keep it shortl.. 4-5 items per day.

Until next time!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Calendar Solution

So I got to tell you.. for the longest time, I could not figure out how to manage my time properly. I had a business coach that tried to hammer into my thick skull how to use the outlook calendar to manage my time.

But I just could not do it.
You know why? Because the outlook calendar was great at getting my business stuff in line.. but the problem was, like most entrepeneurs, I also have to manage my kids activities, and changes in schedule with my ex.

My ex and I were using a home-made calendar I had made to manage our time. It would make his days blue, my days pink, and any activities for the kids, dark blue/pink depending on who was in charge of taking them. This was working out great. Except I had two calendars to manage. Anytime someone wanted to do something, ie: a client meeting, or a playdate.. I had to check both calendars.

Many times, I would double book business items with family items and vice versa.

Very frustrating.. until I discovered Google calendars.. it's ability to share only parts of the calendar with others, AND it syncs with Outlook!!

You have no idea how great a discovery this was! Now I have a calendar that I can look at that shows me my ex's days, my days, any kids activities, any other personal items AND it shows me what business items are booked for that day!

And, to top it off.. I can allow my ex to see the children's calendar items, but not my personal or business items!!

Google calendar has it's problems, but overall.. it's been a great solution. I can still user my Outlook for business time management, and it syncs with the google calendar.. and I can use my google calendar to update personal stuff.. and it syncs with my outlook!! So now, I can look online or on my Outlook, and they show me all I need to know!!!

It's been a life changing experience for me!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Blogging growing pains and a new rule!

So I'm still trying to figure out this blog thing.. sometimes it's a little confusing in that I'm not sure how to check some things like if anyone is actually reading this or if I"m just talking to myself !!

Also, is emoticon's OK for blogging? What is the blog ettiquette on this? So many questions lol!

So back to the organization topic, I have a new rule in place for myself. The rule is, no matter how late you work.. before leaving, give yourself 5 minutes and tidy your desk.

I know it sounds silly, but the truth is, one's mind cannot be clear and focused when coming to work into a messy desk! So rule #1, always leave your desk in a clean/clear fasion, ready for work next time you are at it.

'til next time,


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Found them!... Before photos

OK, so here it is... the before photo of my office (Feb 2008).. the day decided to log my progress in my journal.

Exerpt from my Feb 2008 Journal:
"So I've been thinking.. Why? Why can't I get organized and stay that way? I know if someone made me do it, I can do it. I know this because I worked for my now best friend on and off for 10 years in my twenties. She is very organized, and she expects her employees to be the same. When you take something you put it back in it's place. Simple! When it's time to do something, you do it, even if you don't feel like it. Simple!
When I was living with her, and working for her, I followed those rules no problem. But only in her house and work place. My personal room was a mess. So why can I do it for others but not for me? I think it's because I was accountable to her, but I'm not accountable to myself. I go easy on myself."
At that time I proceeded to promise to put things away after using them where they belong, and to do things when they are supposed to be done, no procrastination. I have no problem with any of the above for my clients, or charity work.. only for myself. I have gotten slightly better... really... I have.

In the beginning

So last year, I had decided to write a book about how I went from being disorganized to being organized. Unfortunately I wrote my 'blog' the old fashioned way, in a book.. with a pen! But after reading Mr. David Meerman Scott's excellent book 'New Rules of Marketing & PR', I realized I should have written it in a blog.. it would have been more fun to have other people's comments, input, incouragement, or critism. So I'm switching. Not to worry.. though I made an excellent attempt at writting in my journal often.. I lost it for a period of 4-5 months when I moved.. so there is a giant gap which I want to continue with now. I will add some of my pen writings in the blog for you guys to critic as well. I think some of my ideas were quiet good.. but I'm biased :)

So first, a little about me. I am a soon to be 40 year old single mother of 2 beautiful children, aged 7 and 9. I share them with my ex, so half the week I take them to school, soccer, hockey, lacross, riding, swimming, karate, gynmastics, playdate or whatever else they happen to be in. I run my own IT company, designing websites and hosting them (, have about 85 clients and growing, a few of them large with constant updates needed, I have 4-6 contractors or more to manage at any one time. I also have my own income generating websites, and am a landlord. In my spare time, I also run a registered charitable organization about mental and emotional child abuse called Parental Alienation Awareness Organization, which I started after creating and Awareness Day. ( , This org has thousands of volunteers located globally that need to be guided and directed. I also go to the gym when I can, and love to Salsa, so take lessons. I also own a house with lawns and gardens that need to be taken care of, as well as the usual inside things like laundry, dishes, dusting, etc. I'll put more about me in the About me section later.. but this should suffice for now I think...

To top it all off.. I cannot seem to say no to anything anyone says that sounds remotely fun as I really hate to miss out on anything! Like last week I flew to Mexico for 5 days to hang with my best friend with only a few weeks notice! I also hate to say no to most things that help others.... and seem to think the more I pile on my plate the better... So... therefore.. I need to get organized!

I cannot continue this kind of lifestyle in chaos.. although somehow I have managed it so far.

So you may ask, why write a book on top of it all! I'm not even a good writer. Well, the reason is, I decided last year that I needed help in organizing and efficiency. So I went to Chapters in search of a book about how to manage everything.. business, kids, home, personal. I found exactly ZERO books on the subject.. just lots of books on how to nicely put things in tupperware and stuff. So I thought I'd document my methods.. maybe it'll help some other parent/entrepeneurs!

I took some pictures of my house when I first started, to show the 'Before' photos.. of course.. I just searched 30 minutes in my files, and have no idea where I put them. I'll look for them again later and post them for you to see.

Until then.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Here I am!

Well.. here I am world! I am going to keep an online diary of how I will turn my disorganized, chaotic life into a life of order and structure!! Yes! It can be done! I have been disorganized for almost 40 years.... until 2009!! Let's see what happens.. hopefully I won't misplace my blog URL and login so I can continue my diary...